How to Enable New Siri UI (Apple Intelligence UI) on iPhone and Mac [U: Apple fixed it in Beta 2]

I need help! My iPhone12mini does not work properly after importing the new UI! The right and bottom sides don’t display properly! Erasing devices and flashing devices can’t change the status quo! Is there any solution and can iOS18 Beta 2 fix this?

Have you tried restoring from the previous backup?

i have an issue with my 13 mini where the right and bottom sides are bugged out. i’m assuming it’s a mini thing, since someone said the 12 mini has the same issue.

If you are on windows you can edit the plist on mac i think you can just uncheck the enabled checkbox

Exact same on an IPad, 10th Generation, dont know its because I dont have an M1 chip, though that shouldn’t interfere with only the UI.

How come i dont have the “Custom Operations” tab?

Yes, I’ve tried it many times and it’s all negative, unless I downgrade to iOS 17, which would happen again if I upgrade to iOS 18.

I have an iPad Air 4, it seems like this ui is only meant for iPhone at the moment sadly

Ciwbunga is crashing lmao

If you’re using Windows, it doesn’t have this tab. You need to manually copy the file into the folder. Please refer to the instructions in the “For Windows” section of the post.

It seems it was written into your backup file, which is why it reappears after updating from iOS 17. Have you tried changing the value bypassDeviceSupportsSAE to false in the com. apple.assistant.plist file?

Update: Added the method to remove the New Siri UI in the post, please check it and let me know if it works.

I tried it on iPad, but it is weird and is not displayed in full size

i use windows and did everything according to the instructions. but theres no change in siri… am i supposed to put the siri download into the workspace folder or the apple assistant download into the folder? pls do help me out. i use a 12 pro max btw

are you on iOS 18?

yeah im up to date

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Put the plist file you downloaded into the %APPDATA%/CowabungaLite/Workspace/[Your UDID]/SkipSetup/ManagedPreferencesDomain/mobile. It should look like this.

ok awesome! got it to work, thanks a lot.
tho siri sounds very stereo like, is that normal?

Totally normal, that’s the new Siri sound.

How do i remove it. I have tried using Cowabunga Lite by pressing the Remove all tweaks button and I have tried everything and it hasn’t worked. Please help.

Updated in the post, please check the Remove New Siri UI on iPhone section: How to Enable New Siri UI (Apple Intelligence UI) on iPhone and Mac

what does this mean?