Unable to check for a software update

I set my date and time manually and iinstalled the profile and then I restarted my ipad, but after that, when i when to the software update, it says unable to check for an update so does anybody know the solution

Set date and time manually on your device only helps you install the OTA Block profile.
Apple is not currently releasing any iOS 16 beta updates, so you don’t need to try to install them.

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Well what about iOS 17 beta 4 or RC 4?

What is your iPad model?

My iphone is 6s plus, I tried to install it the ios 16 but with no sucess. I downloaded the Block OTA with the Beta Profiles, I took off the date and time, and I couldn’t upgrade my iphone. With the same problem: [Unable to check for a software update]. I think I know why this happen, it’s because the AppleCare Profile Signing Certificate is expired. So when you want to install the ios 16, you need to put a date before 14 december 2023, but to upgrade your iphone to ios 16 you need to have the time and date automatically. Until the developers solve this, it’s impossible to have ios 16 on your iphone

The iPhone 6s Plus can only update to the latest iOS 15.8.3. It can’t update to iOS 16 due to outdated hardware.

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